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llizarov Procedures

llizarov Procedures

The specialized surgical technique known as the Ilizarov procedure is named after the Russian orthopedic physician Dr. Gavriil Ilizarov. It is utilized for fracture fixation, limb deformity correction, and limb lengthening. During the procedure, an external fixation device called the Ilizarov apparatus—a circular frame fastened to the injured limb with wires and pins—is used. The following is a synopsis of Ilizarov procedures:

Limb Lengthening:
  • Indications: Limb lengthening is typically performed in cases of congenital short stature, limb length inequality due to trauma or previous surgeries, or conditions like dwarfism.
  • Procedure:The Ilizarov apparatus is attached to the bones through pins and wires. The surgeon makes controlled cuts in the bone, and the external fixator gradually stretches the bone over time. New bone forms in the gap, leading to increased limb length.
Deformity Correction:
  • Indications: Ilizarov procedures are used to correct deformities such as limb angular deformities, rotational deformities, and bone malalignments.
  • Procedure: The external fixator is applied to the affected limb, and controlled adjustments are made to gradually correct the deformity. The Ilizarov apparatus allows precise control over the correction process.
Fracture Fixation:
  • Indications:The Ilizarov technique can be used to stabilize complex fractures, non-unions (fractures that fail to heal), or cases with bone infections.
  • Procedure: The external fixator provides stability to the fractured bone, allowing for proper alignment and healing. The Ilizarov apparatus facilitates optimal conditions for bone healing.
Postoperative Care:
  • Patients undergoing Ilizarov procedures require close monitoring.
  • Regular follow-up appointments are scheduled to assess the progress of limb lengthening or deformity correction.
  • Physical therapy is often part of the rehabilitation process to improve joint mobility and muscle strength.